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Altium Designer Layout高速硬件设计
  Synopsys TetraMAX EDA培训

        ◆ 电路系统的基本概念。

上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山学院/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦
Synopsys TetraMAX EDA培训:2025年4月7日(即将开课,请提前报名)...
     ◆课时: 共5天,30学时





       ◆团体报名优惠措施:两人95折优惠,三人或三人以上9折优惠 。注意:在读学生凭学生证,即使一个人也优惠500元。

        3、培训合格学员可享受免费推荐就业机会。 ☆合格学员免费颁发相关工程师等资格证书,提升您的职业资质。专注高端培训13年,曙海提供的证书得到本行业的广泛认可,学员的能力得到大家的认同,受到用人单位的广泛赞誉。

  Synopsys TetraMAX EDA培训




In this two-day workshop, you will learn how use TetraMAX?--Synopsys' ATPG Tool for SOC design--to perform the following tasks:

  • Generate test patterns for stuck-at faults given a scan gate-level design created by DFT Compiler or other tools
  • Describe the test protocol and test pattern timing using STIL
  • Debug DRC and stuck-at fault coverage problems using the Graphical Schematic Viewer
  • Troubleshoot fault coverage problems
  • Save and validate test patterns
  • Troubleshoot simulation failures

This class includes an overview of the fundamentals of manufacturing test, such as:

  • What is manufacturing test?
  • Why perform manufacturing test?
  • What is a stuck-at fault?
  • What is a scan chain?

This class also includes a brief overview of the DSM Test Failure Diagnosis and Adaptive Scan features in TetraMAX?.



At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:

  • Incorporate TetraMAX? ATPG in a design and test methodology that produces desired fault coverage, ATPG vector count and ATPG run-time for a full-scan or almost full-scan design
  • Create a STIL Test Protocol File for a design by using QuickSTIL menus or commands, DFT Compiler or from scratch
  • Use the Graphical Schematic Viewer to analyze and debug warning messages from Design Rule Check or fault coverage problems after ATPG
  • Customize a Test Protocol for a design that requires special circuit initialization, scan shift or capture procedures or pattern timing
  • Describe when and how to use at least four options to increase test coverage and/or decrease the number of required test patterns
  • Save test patterns in a proper format for simulation and transfer to an ATE
  • Validate test patterns using STIL Direct Pattern Validation


ASIC, SoC or Test Engineers who perform ATPG at the Chip or SoC level.



To benefit the most from the material presented in this workshop, students should: Have taken the DFT Compiler 1 workshop or possess equivalent knowledge with DFT Compiler and fundamentals of manufacturing test including:

  • Understanding the differences between manufacturing and design verification testing
  • Stuck-at fault model
  • Internal and boundary scan chains
  • Scan shift and capture violations
  • Major scan design-for-test rules concerning flip-flops, latches and bi-directional/tri-state drivers
  • Tradeoffs between having single or multiple
  • Understanding of digital IC logic design
  • Working knowledge of Verilog or VHDL language
  • Familiarity with UNIX workstations running X-windows
  • Familiarity with vi, emacs, or other UNIX text editors




Introduction to ATPG Test

Building ATPG Models

Running DRC

Controlling ATPG



Minimizing ATPG Patterns

Writing ATPG Patterns

Pattern Validation


??? Conclusion