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             上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山学院/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦

     ☆课时: 共5天,30学时






       ☆团体报名优惠措施:两人95折优惠,三人或三人以上9折优惠 。注意:在读学生凭学生证,即使一个人也优惠500元。

        3、培训合格学员可享受免费推荐就业机会。 ☆合格学员免费颁发相关工程师等资格证书,提升您的职业资质。专注高端培训13年,曙海提供的证书得到本行业的广泛认可,学员的能力得到大家的认同,受到用人单位的广泛赞誉。


第一阶段:? AM Simulator Hardware Set-Up

  1. Equipment Inspection
  2. Cubicle Preparation
  3. o Open simulator cubicle
  4. o Remove auxiliary & spare parts box from cubicle
  5. o Check contents of auxiliary parts box
  6. o Physical inspection of cubicles
  7. o Final Cubicle Assembly (door handle and stabilizer foot)
  8. Cubicle Final Placement
  9. Applying Power to Cubicle
  10. o Connect cubicle to main power supply
  11. o Arm Power Supply Relay
  12. o Start each RTDS rack and observe self-test procedure
  13. Establish Serial Port Communication with Each RTDS Rack
  14. o Confirm status of each RTDS Rack
  15. o Set IP addresses for each rack as required
  16. Connect RTDS Racks to Ethernet (LAN)
  17. Connect GTWIF Cards
  18. Verify Ethernet Connections Between PC’s and RTDS Racks

???????????????????? Simulator Software Set-Up

  1. RSCAD Software Installation (as required)
  2. o Installation from CD if needed
  3. Verify Connection to RTDS Client Resources Web Page Via Internet
  4. o Update RSCAD software from web site
  5. Create RSCAD Software Shortcut on PC Desktops
  6. Launch RSCAD Program
  7. o Request Security Key from RTDS Client Resources Web Page Via Internet
  8. o Generate <config_file>
  9. o Generate <hubConfig>
  10. Run Simulation Test Case on Each RTDS Rack Individually
  11. Run Multi-Rack Simulation Test Case from Factory Test Cases List
  12. Perform Selected Cases from Factory Tests to Confirm Operation of Various RTDS Components


第二阶段:? PM RTDS Introductory Seminar

  1. Power Point Presentation
  2. o RTDS Introduction and History
  3. o RTDS Simulator Hardware
  4. o RTDS Simulator Software
  5. o RTDS Simulator Applications
  6. o Question and Answer Session


第三阶段: ?????? AM RTDS Tutorial Training (Hands-On Training)

  1. Chapter 1 - Introduction to RSCAD
  2. o Introduce the? FileManager Module
  3. o Introduce the? Draft Module
  4. o Introduce the? RunTime Module
  5. o Assemble, Compile and Run Simple Voltage Divider Circuit
  6. Chapter 2 – Simple AC Power System
  7. o Introduce the TLine Module
  8. o Introduce Fault Component and Logic


第四阶段:? AM RTDS Tutorial Training (continued)

  1. Chapter 3 – Simple AC Power System
  2. o Introduce the Hierarchy Component
  3. o Introduce Single Line Diagram Mode
  4. o Introduce Integrated Load Flow Function


第五阶段:? PM ????? Introduction of RTDS Simulator I/O Capabilities

  1. Analogue Output Signals – the GTAO
  2. Analogue Input Signals – the GTAI
  3. Digital Input & Output Signals – GTDI/GTDO, GTFPI
  4. IEC61850 – the GTNET (DNP, GSE/SV)


第六阶段:AM Basic Hardware Maintenance

  1. Diagnostics
  2. Telnet Communication
  3. Card Exchange (using standby components)


???????????????????? Basic Software Maintenance

  1. Web Site Services
  2. o Login to Secure Client Resources Area
  3. o Updating RSCAD Software via Web Site
  4. o Downloading O/S and Firmware Updates
  5. o The RMA Procedure
  6. The <config_file>


Day 4:? PM ????? RTDS Tutorial Training (continued)

  1. Chapter 4 – Transducers
  2. Chapter 7 – Transformers
  3. Chapter 6 – Synchronous Machine Example


Day 5:? AM ????? Protective Relay Testing

  1. Overview of Relay Test Methods
  2. Closed Loop Relay Testing
  3. o Assemble Test Circuit
  4. o Identify Measuring Points
  5. o Scale and Apply Analogue Outputs
  6. o Apply Digital Inputs (Trip Signals)


Day 5:? PM ????? Protective Relay Testing (continued)

  1. Defining Fault Conditions
  2. o Pre-processor Components
  3. Defining Circuit Breaker Operation
  4. o Breaker Operating Time
  5. o Breaker Control using Sequence Blocks
  6. o Breaker Control using Control System Blocks
  7. Automated Relay Testing
  8. o The Script File
  9. o Conditional Logic in Script Files
  10. o Trip Time Calculation
  11. o Generation of Test Report using Scripts


???????????????????? Wrap-Up Meeting

  1. Review of Site Agenda Check List
  2. Outstanding Items (if any)
  3. Signing of final Completion Certificate